
Sweet Tooth Tuesday

Ever have a craving for something so sickly sweet you just smell it and you have a cavity?

Yeah. Me too.

That's how I feel about Cinnabon. I call my dentist and let him know I'm about to eat a Cinnabon and he pencils me in for the next morning.

I don't have a recipe for Cinnabon, but I have something pretty darn close that is faster and easier to make.

Cinnabon Tortillas

Flour tortillas
Mini marshmallows

Generously butter one side of a tortilla and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, top with marshmallows and roll up taquito style. Microwave on high for about 30 seconds.
You can experiment to find your ideal balance of sugar and cinnamon, for me I like more cinnamon than sugar.

CAUTION: filling will be HOT and eating more than one will result in a destroyed diet.


You're welcome.

♥ K8

1 comment:

  1. I love Cinnabon so I might try this sometime. Thanks for sharing, and cute blog!
