
Pinterest Popcorn

First off I would like to say...


Second, I found an amazing recipe for popcorn on Pinterest.

A recent facebook status said something about Pinterest and I commented with

"Pinterest, the only place you can find the motivation and inspiration to work out and be fit...and the foods to destroy it."

So true.  You can find ANYTHING in this world on Pinterest.  Inspirational quotes that touch your heart when you're having a bad day.  The perfect color scheme for your imaginary wedding.  A picture of a woman with rock hard abs and buns that could cure cancer.  And this.

Marshmallow Caramel Popcorn

source: Pinterest

1 bag popcorn, popped (I used Butter Lovers for extra fat, I mean deliciousness)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 stick butter
1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows (or 9-10 big marshmallows)

You put the sugar and the butter into a microwave safe container and microwave for aboot a minute and a half til the butter is all melty and the sugar is thinking "hey I like this butter guy...maybe we should mix it up".  Not a sugar psychic? That's ok, I'm sure you have other talents. Stir it all up and then add the marshmallows and microwave for another minute.  Have you ever microwaved a marshmallow?  It's insane.  They grow.  Make sure your microwave safe container is larger than a 2 cup capacity measuring cup or you WILL end up with marshmallow goo all over your microwave {not that I have experience in this}.  Stir it all together until the marshmallows are completely melted and you have something similar to the stuff you dump into rice crispies for rice crispy treats.  You remember that popcorn?  Yeah buddy.  Dump the marshmallow mixture on top.  Get one of those rubber spatulas and SCRAAAAAAAPE the sides so you get every last gooey drop in there.  Mix it all together until well coated and spread on wax paper to cool.  Or do what I did and just eat it warm.  I found it much better warm.

Pinterest, you're such a cruel mistress to those of us who are trying to be healthier.


1 comment:

  1. I was going to say, it sounds like rice krispy treats with extra sugar and fat. I'll come back to this one in a few months, after I've shed the extra person living under my skin.

    Or you could make some, leave it on the kitchen counter, go to school, and come home to find we had eaten it all. *poke*
